Monday, December 23, 2013

Sleep dentistry

The best dentistry can be done while you enjoy your best sleep! We understand that tension and anxiety can ruin a visit to the dentist therefore we actually encourage sedation to achieve the best quality of dental restorations. 
At Thorne Family Dentistry we provide sedation and do the monitoring for you. The warm blankets, dim lighting, and rapid ultra strength anesthetic make your visit nonexistent. It occurs to some patients that they dreamed of the visit but don't remember actually being present. 
Thanks for visiting our office ! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Managing dental anxiety

Recently, Thorne Family Dentistry has joined the
Dental Anxiety
This is a group that sends newsletter on the topic of dental fear and the latest advancements on how to overcome this fear. Dentistry has improved so quickly regarding technology that the length of time in the dental chair is much shorter, quieter, and less invasive.
As we continue to grow our office we will stay involved with maintaining the most comfortable environment as possible and eliminate the fear of dentistry.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Amalgam "metal fillings"

The picture here shows a patient with an existing metal filling that has caused the entire lingual (tongue side) of the tooth to break away. The patient actually didn't even know it!

I just wanted to share this picture to show the devastating effects metal amalgam fillings can have on teeth. Of course, we can fix this and I will post a picture of our beautiful repair. Thorne Family Dentistry. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Stop Dental Anxiety !

Currently there are many ways we can prevent any anxiety in the dental office setting. 
Listing ways we achieve this:
1. A good plan of action that leads to no surprises and is agreed upon by the patient and doctor on what we want to accomplish.
2. Sequence steps to meet the patients needs financially and according to their priorities with eliminating "pain" if there is any first.
3. Treatment in a quiet, dim room; including a warm blanket, neck pillow, nitrous oxide, etc....
4. One step further is Dr. Thorne is trained in oral sedation, therefore is able to sedate patients by the use of medication along with nitrous oxide.

These methods have been used now for years at Thorne Family Dentistry to much success. The availability for an advance IV sedation is also an option for those patients that are extremely anxious. 

We love what we do and want to treat patients the way we would wan to be treated and that means eliminating fear! 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

It's a honor to be recognized!

We have been recognized in a dental magazine and are honored. We are truly thankful and wanted to share with you the magazine picture! Thanks for looking. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Severe enamel fluorosis

A preoperative view and postoperative view of ceramic crowns on a patient that had severe fluorosis. Thank you for comments, concerns, and questions regarding this case

June 18th restorative work

This particular patient was unhappy with her smile due to the missing Invisalign point angle on the upper left incisor and the space between her teeth. She stated that everyone says "you have something between your teeth". I completed her treatment with some recontouring, diastema closure, and rebuilding the distal Incisal point angle, along with whitening.
We were both very pleased with the results. Here are the before and after pictures, thank you for everyone's support and comments! 
Thorne Family Dentistry

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Pre and post veneers on 4 anteriors

Thanks for looking!

PFM crown after removal of amalgam

The obvious amalgam filling that is failing with micro leakage and recurrent decay was removed and restored with a composite build-up and strengthened with a porcelain crown fused to a high noble metal base. Thanks for looking!

Before and after porcelain onlay

This particular patient had an existing amalgam filling with a fracture from the central groove to the distal ridge. We advised for strength and long term cosmetics a porcelain onlay was the best choice. Patient agreed so here is a before, and an after of the temporary onlay. The temporary was too light in color but gave us some good contrast for our pictures. The final restoration will appear more natural and blend with the natural dentition. I will post a picture of the final restoration. Thanks again for looking.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Replace old filling with new.

Pre and Post of a composite filling to replace an older amalgam filling:
This is not the best picture angle but gives the idea of what our office can do, thanks for looking.

Diastemma Closure

We have always closed spaces (diastemas) for patients that have no interest in getting braces or undergoing surgery. Our office has several cases that have been completed by using a resin bonded composite with a Bioclear matrix band.
This particular case was completed recently on a female college student who was told that to close her space she would need either a frenectomy or full orthodontic braces. We advised that a bond resin composite with the Bioclear matrix is a conservative approach which takes only one short appointment to complete and is completely reversible. The patient said "yes, please, right now! I didn't know that was an option".
This was actually done with NO ANESTHESIA!
After the procedure, she hugged the staff and cried in joy. This is what makes our job so awesome!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oral Germ Gel

Recently, many doctors offices, public places, pediatric urgent care facilities, etc... have a product that my kids call: GERM GEL. This is the Alcohol based hand sanitizer that has become very popular. Did you know that in dentistry we have our own Germ Gel? It's actually been around since the late 1950s !
The product is also alcohol based and is an excellent bacteriocidal solution and it's antibacterial properties can actually penetrate in the hard to reach areas that normal brushing and flossing can't reach.
It's called LISTERINE ! some interesting facts and history can be found here:
The benefits of listerine in the oral cavity are endless. Including treatment for halitosis, decay prevention, periodontal health and "pocketing", stimulation of the salivary glands for improved taste, and many more.
I highly reccomend mouth rinses such as listerine to my patients and commonly see patients that could have significant improvements in their oral health just by using these rinses after brushing and flossing.
Advancements in oral rinses make the product selection seem difficult and expensive but let me simplify: generic listerine is just as effective as any of the other rinses no matter what! I would recommend choosing your favorite flavor and try the Listerine Zero to prevent the burn and watering eyes.
There are few contraindications to using listerine including dry mouth (xerostomia). If you have any questions call, email, post anytime. Dr. Charles Thorne