Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Diastemma Closure

We have always closed spaces (diastemas) for patients that have no interest in getting braces or undergoing surgery. Our office has several cases that have been completed by using a resin bonded composite with a Bioclear matrix band.
This particular case was completed recently on a female college student who was told that to close her space she would need either a frenectomy or full orthodontic braces. We advised that a bond resin composite with the Bioclear matrix is a conservative approach which takes only one short appointment to complete and is completely reversible. The patient said "yes, please, right now! I didn't know that was an option".
This was actually done with NO ANESTHESIA!
After the procedure, she hugged the staff and cried in joy. This is what makes our job so awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate all of the information that you have shared. Thank you for the hard work!
    - family dentist Uptown TX
